11 legitimate ways to make money online with Google

Google, the company with the most used search engine, is known to all of us. Like it or not, Google is likely to be a part of your life.

You may have come to this article via a Google search, which proves how pervasive Google is in our world.

With a wealth of tools and assets, Google has built a multi-billion dollar company. You can use some of the tools they have created to make money on your own. While you won’t be making billions of dollars, you can make enough money to make Google’s sidekicks worth the effort.

It’s going to take hard work, but you should be able to make a nice bit of change if you put in the time.

The best ways to make money online with google

1. Adsense

If you’ve ever spent some time thinking about how to make money from a webpage, chances are you’ve come across Google Adsense at some point.

Basically, Adsense is the source of cost per click (Google CPC) ads. As the owner of a blog or other website, you can place Google Adsense ads on your page and start making money. When your visitors click on the ads, you will receive a different amount of cash for each click.

It should be noted that you cannot use Google Adsense if you are using WordPress.com as your blogging platform. (WordPress.com is different from WordPress.org).

The best part about Google Adsense is that it is free for anyone who uses a website. You can easily sign up and start earning money from your site quickly. You can also monetize YouTube videos with Google Adsense, but you will need at least 10,000 views before you can be approved for this part of the program.

2. Adwords

Google Adwords is very similar to Google Adsense, but it is designed to be used by advertisers. You will not directly earn money by using Google Adwords, but using Adwords effectively can help you increase your page views exponentially. More visitors means more income, so this is definitely a good strategy to use.

The main advantage of Adwords is that it shows your ads to internet users who are already looking for your product, service or website but don’t know about it yet. With Google Adwords, you will be better able to attract your target audience to your website.

3. Google Opinion Rewards

Do you enjoy giving your opinion freely to others? You may get paid for sharing your opinion and want to be paid for it. With Google Opinion Rewards, you can earn money for just giving your opinion to Google.

You can download the app from the Google Play Store and answer surveys at your leisure. You will be notified when a survey is available to you. Most surveys will pay you up to $1 for your opinion.

Questionnaire topics vary, so you will never get bored with the topics you answer the questions on. The amount of money you receive may be small, but it’s always nice to have some extra cash in your spare time to use on fun things like movies and games.

4. Create and sell apps on Google Play

Do you have a great idea for an app? So, you should put it up on the Google Play Store and make some money with your great idea. There is more than one way to make money with an app in the Google Play Store.

First, you can earn money by selling the app you created for money. Simply set up a merchant account with Google Wallet. Then, publish the app as a paid app and see the money on every download.

Second, you can embed Google Ads in your app without a lot of extra steps. The more users you have, the more your income will increase!

5. Evaluate search engine results

Did you know that you can earn money to evaluate search engine results?

It can be frustrating to stumble upon a webpage that has nothing to do with what you’re looking for. Search engine evaluation services help to improve search engines in order to save users.

As a search engine evaluator, you will be required to rate web pages, websites, ads, and more. All of your feedback will influence future searches. Basically, you’re doing some work to ensure that the search engine is actually finding relevant stuff.

You must be comfortable working in the internet field for this to be a good option for you.

The typical rate for a search engine evaluator is about $12 an hour. Not too bad. Depending on the company you work for, your hourly rate may be more or less.

If this sounds like a perfect fit for you, check out these companies to find your employer match. Leapforce, Appen, iSoftStone, and Lionbridge are all good companies to start with.

Leapforce and Lionbridge are Google’s two favorite companies, so if you’re looking to eventually work at Google, then I’d start with one of those options.

If you found your way to this article by doing a Google search, you should know just why a search engine evaluator job is a legitimate way to make money. An algorithm can only take the search results so far, and a human must take the last step. This human could be you!

6. SEO consulting

Search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is a very important part of any successful website. Although everyone would like to implement an SEO strategy, very few people have the skills to create and implement an effective plan.

If you have these skills, offer your services to other companies and websites. SEO consulting can be a very profitable business, but make sure you know what you’re doing. It wouldn’t be fair to “try” on other people’s websites.

You may not know anything about SEO, but you can learn it fairly easily. There are a lot of resources available, but like most things, you just need to put them in the right time.

7. Google Remote Careers

Google hires remote workers for a lot of different capacities. There are many non-development and engineering jobs available at Google. It is not excluded that you will find other vacancies available to work in jobs or administration.

Google is not just limited to remote employees, although the company’s policy also seems very open to all self-employed. If you already have a freelance career, this might be something to consider.

The best place to search for a job on Google is on their job board. It’s always a good idea to reach out. Never be afraid of what could happen, the worst thing that can happen is that they say no. Is it really that bad?

8. Google Checkout

While Google Checkout won’t bring you any direct money, it may help potential customers feel comfortable buying an item from you. People trust Google, and they may not trust your website.

Google Checkout is a payment processing service that will help facilitate transactions between you and your customers.

Needless to say, Google Checkout will only be useful if you have a business. Unless you’re actually selling something, this tactic won’t help you make money with Google.

9. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a tool that helps companies and sites know what people are searching for in their queries. If you own a website, this can be a huge key to your long-term success.

If you know what people are looking for, you can easily craft or modify your articles to suit their needs. Planning your content with these keywords may seem like a low rewards job. In the short term, you likely won’t see a significant increase in income because this is a long-term strategy. Over time, you will see a significant increase in your traffic.

When more visitors come to your site, you will have the opportunity to monetize that traffic and make great profits over time.

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away, it may take some time for your hard work to pay off.

10. YouTube

If you have a YouTube channel with a lot of traffic, you can easily monetize that traffic with Google. The simplest way is Google Adsense, but there are multiple ways to make money through YouTube and Google videos. The more viewers you have, the more revenue you will earn.

If you don’t already have an audience, start creating one now!

11. Blogger

Blogger is a free platform that can be used to create and run a blog. You can use Blogger to build a large following. When you have a loyal following, you can start monetizing that traffic very easily through Blogger.

As in other blogs, you can earn money through multiple ways. Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, and sponsored posts are just a few things to get you started.

Blogger is owned by Google so, like most things made by Google, it’s very easy to set up and use.

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