18 of the best ways to increase your website visitors

Do you want to increase the number of website visitors and get more visits? We offer you the real strategy to get more visitors to your website.

If you were to ask any website owner what would you most desire? It will immediately tell you to Increase the number of visitors to the site.

There are many ways in which you can bring visitors to your site, in today’s article I will tell you about the best ways to increase the number of visitors to your site, including several ways to increase the number of site visits for free.

The best ways to get site visits:

1. Paid advertising

This is very self-evident that the operations of paid ads on search engines such as Google Ads, ads on social media, and display ads are excellent ways to attract more customers and visitors to your site, and they have an important factor in the popularity of your brand, and the delivery of your site to target customers.

Optimize your paid advertising plan to suit your goals – do you just want more traffic, or are you looking to increase your sales as well?

Each paid advertising site contains advantages and disadvantages, so think carefully about your goals before you rush to pay money. You must choose the platform that best suits your business so as not to waste money and time while your site and business will not benefit.

If you hope that traffic will lead to more sales for your business, you will need to target commercial keywords as part of your paid search plan.

The competition for these search terms can be tough and very expensive, but the benefit can be well worth the cost.

2. Social networking

It’s not enough to create great content to get visitors – you have to be more social on social networks.

One of the best ways to increase traffic to your site is to use social media channels to market your content.

If you own a B2C product company, you may find traction with Pinterest and Instagram.

3. Diversification of content

There is no magic bullet for content marketing success, despite what some may think. For this reason, you can change the length and format of your content to make it more attractive to the reader.

You can publish short-term news and publish short-term articles based on the news, as well as publish long-term content to achieve maximum impact and satisfy all types of readers, as there are those who do not want to read long-term news and articles, and there are those who want to go deeper and read extensively. Be diverse in the articles of your site.

This will help you with your site’s SEO efforts.

4. Write irresistible headlines

Headlines are one of the most important parts of successful SEO and marketing to get more visitors to your site.

Without an attractive and compelling title, you will be completely out of competition.

You must master the art of writing the title. For example, real marketing and SEO experts write more than twenty different titles when writing any new article.

Until they finally settle on the title that will generate the most traffic and be the most attractive and most useful in terms of SEO and search engine optimization, so you have to think carefully about the title before you hit the “publish” button.

5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Do you think SEO is over? If your answer is yes! You have to think again.

The SEO process in 2021 is very different, but the process of optimizing your content for search engines is still very important and deserves attention.

  • Do you make alt text for the image?
  • Do you create internal links to content?
  • What about the description?

The process of SEO and optimizing your article for search engines does not have to take long. This may help increase the number of visitors for free from search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. Do not neglect this point.

6. Use long search terms

Have you identified the keywords you want to compete for?

It’s time to target long keywords that consist of several syllables, as they are the easiest to target today on search engines.

Long search terms represent the majority of searches in Google, and this means that if you are not targeting long search terms as part of your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plan, you will lose a lot of time.

Using long phrases will make you profit from the Internet through your site better.

The best keyword acquisition tools

7. Using the Guest Post

Yes, guest articles still work well, despite what you may have heard from a lot of superficial SEO experts.

Sharing an article on a popular site can increase your website traffic and help build your brand.

Be warned though, the guest post SEO rules have changed dramatically over the past two years, and spammy SEO techniques can result in severe penalties from Google and search engines.

8. Invite others to blog on your site

Guest articles are a two-way street. In addition to posting content to other blogs, you can invite people in your niche to blog on your site.

Good guest articles are not only for getting links for your guests, but also for bringing in a number of new visitors to your site.

You just have to make sure that you only post high quality content with no spam links.

Go further

Instead of trying to convince other sites to put a link to your site and waste your time on this, create strong and good content and you will see that others have put links to your content without asking you.

9. Post your content on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become more than just a network for jobs, LinkedIn has become the largest professional social network in the world, which means you should post your content on LinkedIn regularly.

Posting content there can increase traffic to your site, as well as increase confidence in your profile about your business activity  especially if you have a following, and if you don’t, you can build a good following by posting content regularly on LinkedIn.

10. Microdata Schema Implementation

Implementing a microdata blueprint doesn’t necessarily have to increase the number of visitors to your site, but it will make it easier for search engine bots like Google to find and index your pages and learn what kind of content has been indexed.

Another benefit of using Microdata can lead to better click-through rates on search engines and this is very helpful in the SEO process.

11. Internal links

The strength of your site in Google is not only determined by external links (backlinks), but also the rankings of your site are affected by internal links.

When writing new content before you publish, make sure that you link well between this article and other articles on your site.

This not only helps with SEO, but also leads to a better user experience thus increasing the ranking of your results and the number of visitors to your site from search engines.

Internal visits will help you get more profit.

12. Email marketing

Many companies focus on attracting new customers through content marketing via e-mail, which has become more neglected because it is one of the old marketing methods.

But email marketing can lead to strong success for your site, email marketing can lead to a significant increase in traffic.

But be careful not to spam people with emails on every update to your site.

You must activate your mailing list!

13. Make sure your site is compatible with all devices

Gone are the days when surfing the Internet was exclusively from computers only.

Today, more people use smartphones and tablets to surf the Internet than ever before.

You want to make sure that your website can be easily accessed and viewed across all desktop and smart devices, including smaller phones.

This will help you in the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) process.

14. Make sure your site is fast

Have you ever found yourself waiting 20 seconds for a webpage to load?

If the loading speed of your site continues to be this slow, then the bounce rate will be very high on your site, which will lead to the bottom of your site.

Make sure your pages are as optimized and fast as possible, including image sizes, page structure, and external source plugin functionality. The faster your site loads, the better for you.

The speed of loading the site is one of the most important factors for SEO today, the speed will bring you more profit.

If you are using WordPress, I advise you to check out: The best ways to increase the loading speed of WordPress

15. Fostering a sense of community

Visitors to your site or business like to express their opinions and focus on topics that interest them, so having a discussion facility on your site is a great way to increase traffic to your site.

You can use an external comment system like Facebook or Disqus, or create a dedicated forum where your visitors can ask questions.

16. External Comments

Surely you visit some sites related to your business, so why not join the comments and conversation on these sites?

Commenting on these sites does not necessarily lead to an immediate increase in the number of visitors to your website.

But making a name for yourself by providing meaningful and insightful feedback is a great way to get fast fame – which can then lead to more visitors to your site.

Just remember that quality and relevance are key – you should be affiliated with other sites in your niche, not just link building.

17. Check your Google Analytics data well

Do you know how important Google Analytics is to your site?

Google Analytics is a source of data about all aspects of your site, from the most viewed pages, to the countries visitors come from, the devices used to visit the site, how long a visitor stays on your site, and countless other features.

Follow Google Analytics site analytics data closely, and use this information to inform you of the best marketing strategies and the best content on your site.

Pay attention to which posts and pages prove to be the most popular. Examine visitor data to see how, where and when.

How to create a google analytics account

18. Be active on social media

It’s not enough just to share content on social networks – you need to engage actively as well.

Do you have a Twitter account? Have you had hashtags relevant to your site’s content?

Do you answer your followers on Facebook?

Answer questions and interact with your readers. Nothing catches people’s attention faster than using social media.

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