20 tips to earn more income from AdSense.

20 tips to earn more income from AdSense.

Is it possible to earn more money with Google Adsense than you earn? Plenty of websites would attest to this being possible – but what’s the secret to their success? Some had a lot of luck, but most of them worked hard to get to where they are today. In this article, I will show you 20 tips to earn more income from AdSense.

The catch is that achieving liquidity from your site isn’t magic, it’s a science. To help you out, we have compiled a list of tips that you can follow to maximize your earning potential with Google AdSense.

20 tips to earn more income from AdSense:

Consistently high quality content is posted.
Obviously, this is the most important tip for making more money. Everything else you do in order to get more clicks on ads is just modifications.

If you don’t have quality content, you won’t have quality visitors and advertisers won’t be bidding instantly on your site.

It’s simple that way. If your content is good, but you don’t post regularly, people will stop bothering to come back to your site, so you’ll start to see a drop in numbers. Before you do anything else to try to increase your Google AdSense revenue, you need to make sure that you have good content for your users to enjoy.

Diversify the type of ads.

An easy way to encourage more clicks is to place more than one type of ad unit on your site in different sizes.

This means that users will get more ads from Google Ads inventory and are more likely to click on one. Image ads and text ads compete for the same space on your site in auctions. Increased competition may shock your profits.

Put the best performing ad first in the HTML code of the page
You may have to go to scratch in your AdSense analytics a bit to see which ad has the best CTR, but if you can put that ad code first in each page’s HTML code, it can actually generate better revenue. This will be the first ad that Google Adsense crawlers will see, which means it will get the most impressions, increasing its auction value and earning you more money.

Reduce the number of ads at the top of the page
While it’s nice to have ads at the top of the page (the part where your page appears without you having to scroll), don’t populate them with ad units. Users are turned off if they open a website and all they see are ads, making it difficult for them to read the actual content. Not only will this increase your bounce rate, but Google will also penalize pages that do this.

Use the most popular ad sizes
Some ad sizes tend to be more popular with advertisers than others. When creating your ads, use the recommended sizes. Currently, the most popular sizes are 160×600, 720×90, 336×280, and 320×100 banner for mobile.

Put keywords in the name of the photos
Make sure to use keywords in the hashtags of your images to ensure that your images appear in image search engines. You will be surprised how much you can earn from AdSense from this kind of traffic.

Follow the rules
Follow ad placement best practices to ensure you don’t get penalized and lose money this way.

Use Google Custom Search

This is a great way to increase your AdSense revenue. If you use Google Custom Search as your site search, you will get advertising revenue generated by the search.

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