We at YORKADS are committed to providing a safe and professional environment for displaying advertisements related to creative works. To ensure a unique experience for all users, please adhere to the following policy when posting advertisements.
- Acceptable advertising content
All advertisements must be related to creative fields (such as design, arts, fashion, decoration, programming, etc.).
It is prohibited to post advertisements that contain:
Illegal or offensive content or promote violence or hatred.
Imitation or copied content that violates the intellectual property rights of others.
Any type of content that violates local or international laws. - Quality of advertisements
Description: The advertisement description must be clear and accurate and reflect the advertised product or service.
Images and videos:
They must be of high quality and free of any watermarks or unprofessional content.
It is prohibited to use images that are not related to the product or service provided.
Language: The language used in advertisements must be respectful and free of spelling errors or inappropriate phrases. - Categories and classifications
Ads must be published in the appropriate category to ensure that they reach the target audience.
If the ad is placed in the wrong category, the site reserves the right to move it to the correct category or delete it. - Paid ads
The site provides options for paid ads such as:
Featured ads that appear at the top of search lists.
Options to increase the ad’s visibility to attract more customers.
Details of prices and paid services are clearly displayed before payment.
Paid ad fees are non-refundable except in accordance with the site’s refund policy. - Ad duration
Free ads: are displayed for a specific period (such as 30 days) that can be renewed.
Paid ads: are displayed according to the reservation period specified by the advertiser. - Blocking and removal
YORKADS has the right to delete or block any ad that violates the site’s policies or contains misleading information.
The user will be notified if the ad is deleted or blocked, explaining the reasons. - Responsibility for ads
The advertiser alone bears full responsibility for the content and accuracy of the ad.
YORKADS is not responsible for any transactions between users based on the published ads.
Users are advised to verify the authenticity of the ads before making any transactions.
- Reporting Violating Ads
Users have the right to report any violating ad through:
The reporting form available on the site.
Contact the support team via email: [support@yorkads.com].
Reports are reviewed and violating ads are deleted immediately after verifying their validity. - Amendments to the Ads Policy
The site administration reserves the right to amend the Ads Policy at any time.
Users will be notified of any material changes via email or notifications within the site. - Communication and Support
In case of any inquiries or issues related to the Ads Policy, you can contact the support team via:
Email: [contact@yorkads.com]
Phone: [phone number]
By using the advertising service on the YORKADS website, you confirm your full agreement to the Ads Policy.