Qu'est-ce que l'Email Marketing et comment ça marche ?

Qu’est-ce que l’Email Marketing et comment ça marche ?

Le marketing par e-mail est l’un des canaux de marketing les plus anciens et les plus puissants pour établir un contact direct avec des clients potentiels. Le marketing par e-mail est un outil de marketing numérique important à prendre en compte, car presque tous les internautes du monde entier ont une adresse e-mail et la consultent régulièrement. Le marketing par e-mail est essentiellement divisé en deux catégories principales e-mails promotionnels et e-mails d’information.

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What is affiliate marketing ? How to get started in affiliate marketing ?

What is affiliate marketing ? How to get started in affiliate marketing ?

What is affiliate marketing ? Affiliate marketing is a type of digital marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each new customer or visitor brought to their website through the affiliate’s own marketing efforts. The affiliates receive a commission or fee for every sale or referral they generate, typically through an …

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3 Best Email Marketing Sites for Small Businesses 2023

3 Best Email Marketing Sites for Small Businesses 2023

3 Best Email Marketing Sites for Small Businesses: GetResponse is an email marketing software that helps businesses build and manage email marketing campaigns. It offers features like email creation, automation, landing pages, webinars, and analytics to help businesses engage with their audience and grow their business. GetResponse has been recognized as one of the top …

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