Walnuts help the mental development of teenagers

Walnuts help the mental development of teenagers

A study conducted in Spain revealed that eating walnuts regularly helps the mental development of adolescents. Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which play an important role in brain development, especially in the early stages of life. Researcher Jordi Golvez, head of the study team from the Institute of Health Research in Barcelona, ​​says, “The adolescence …

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What is the effect of mobile phones on the human mind?

What is the effect of mobile phones on the human mind?

Mobile phones have become an essential tool that helps us manage our lives and businesses, and is one of the most used technologies in the world, and has become an integral part of our daily lives, whether for communication or the completion of many basic transactions.   * A global addiction A scientific report published …

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Types and Causes of Pancreatitis in Children

Types and Causes of Pancreatitis in Children

Pancreatitis in Children What Parents Need to Know?  Understanding Pancreatitis in Children: A Complete Guide for Parents   Pancreatitis is when the pancreas, a gland in the abdomen, becomes inflamed. While often considered a condition affecting adults, pancreatitis can also occur in children. As a parent, it is crucial to be aware of the signs and …

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The benefits of the bicycle for the rumen

The benefits of the bicycle for the rumen

Bike sport Biking is one of the calorie-burning sports known as  cardio . The calorie burning rate in this sport is 400 calories per hour. It is dedicated to losing weight and strengthening the muscles in the lower part of the body, and it is characterized by being a sport with a low impact on …

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8 foods that get rid of belly fat and stomach bloating

8 foods that get rid of belly fat and stomach bloating

Abdominal fat and stomach bloating, we will find between them a common factor in their infection, which is malnutrition in general, which may contribute to the accumulation of fat around the abdominal area and at the same time may cause stomach bloating throughout the day, although both of them have natural ways To get rid …

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Benefits of beetroot for children

Benefits of beetroot for children

Beetroot, which is also referred to as beet, belongs to the family of roots and contains many many essential nutrients that help in the overall development of your baby. *** Benefits of beetroot for your baby. 1. Rich source of minerals. Beetroot is rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin …

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8 causes of sudden heart palpitations and sweating

8 causes of sudden heart palpitations and sweating

Some may feel sudden heart palpitations with sweating, what are the causes of sudden heart palpitations and sweating? How is this problem diagnosed? * Sudden heart palpitations and sweating Let’s get to know the problem of sudden heart palpitations and sweating in the following: * Sudden heart palpitations and sweating Sudden heart palpitations and sweating …

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