How do you use the shield to protect your data in the digital world?

Encryption is a shield to protect important data and sensitive information; It prevents it from falling into the hands of unauthorized persons.

In a report to the German news agency, Simran Mann, a security expert at the German Association for Communications and Information Technology known as Bitkom, said that by relying on encryption, individual files or the entire hard drive, or even the memory of a smartphone or tablet computer, are protected from unauthorized access. permission, and then outsiders cannot read the data even if the memory is removed and installed in another device.

The user has many protection features on the Internet. Vittorio Bertucci, a security expert at the information technology company “Okta”, says that all web browsers warn the user if the website to be visited works via the “HTTP” protocol and not HTTPS encrypted protocol, browsers usually require additional steps if the user insists on accessing the website in question.

Built-in encoders

And if the user wishes to secure the desktop or laptop computer with additional protection, he can rely on the encryption programs built into many operating systems, as there is the Bitlocker program on computers equipped with Microsoft Windows or FileVault. FileVault with Mac OS and LUKS with Linux.

Encryption requires only a few mouse clicks, and Christophe de Leeuw from the German magazine “Computer Bild” explained that by saying that the encryption process takes place on Windows computers by clicking on the folder concerned with the right mouse button, then selecting the option “Properties” and “Advanced” and then A tick is placed in front of the “Content Encryption” item.

On Macs, the data encryption option can be found in the system settings under the “Security and Data Protection” menu in the FileVault tab. Modern models of mobile devices provide a good level of security.

“Every password-protected iPhone is encrypted, and Android phones are automatically encrypted from version 10 of the mobile operating system,” explains Vittorio Bertucci.

Instant messaging applications often include encryption technology that starts from the sender’s device and ends at the receiver’s device. However, Ediz Turkan advised to be careful and cautious, “because the personal identification number (PIN) is not always encrypted on the smartphone or tablet, which may lead to some leakage.” data”.

Ediz Turkan added that encryption software protects files, folders, and hard disks well when the computer is turned off, but when the computer is connected to the Internet, the user must secure it against electronic attacks, by installing updates regularly, and care should be taken when working with networks. Open Internet or Internet access points in Wi-Fi networks.

In addition to the encryption programs previously installed in various operating systems, many other programs are now available that can be used to protect files or hard disks, such as the “GPG4win” program for e-mail messages, files and file folders, or the “VeraCrypt” program. (Veracrypt) which is mainly characterized by encryption of data in whole or in part.

Vittorio Bertucci advised that the tools integrated into operating systems should be tried first because they are part of the operating system, and then the possibility of not reading user data is less likely as it happens when installing future updates, in addition to the fact that other data encryption companies do not provide the same level of data consistency and stability.

Device resource consumption

Basically, all the data stored on the computer does not need to be encrypted. Simran Man says that despite its advantages, encryption also has its disadvantages. It consumes device resources such as computing time, which can be seen with less efficient devices. Therefore, the encryption function should not be activated in all devices automatically.

Smart home

Ediz Turkan pointed out that encryption technology can be expanded with smart home equipment (such as refrigerator, TV, etc.), but many Internet of Things applications currently lack good encryption technology.

It seems that this situation will change in the future. Many companies have agreed on a common coding standard called “Matter” for smart home equipment, including technology giants such as Google, Apple and Amazon. This standard it will secure home equipment to prevent tampering.

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