How to sign up for amazon affiliate ?

Registering with Amazon Affiliate offers a lot of advantages for those who will register, for all people around the world, so we see that it has become one of the most famous and best sites that work with the electronic profit system in the world recently, so the Money Makers site will show you everything related to the registration service in this site.

Sign up for Amazon Affiliate.

Amazon Affiliate is one of the most important and best sites that work in the field of commission marketing, so many people seek to register in it, so that they can make stable profits for it, so we will show you how to register in Amazon Affiliate as follows:

  • In the beginning, you will have to log in to the official Amazon affiliate website from here.
  • Select the language and country in which you live, it is worth noting that there are some countries that do not support dealing with this site.
  • Then you must log in to your account, if you already have an account, but if you do not have an account, you must create a new account, by writing the name and password, and in the end click on the word create an account.
  • After clicking on Create an account, the site will take you to a page with a lot of data that you will have to fill in completely, such as personal address, phone number, and so on.
  • Then, after completing the data, a text message will be sent to you on the phone number that you wrote in the data. You must enter the code sent to you in the field designated for it.
  • Later, you will have to enter the domain of your page’s web, or even the Android application, but if you do not have a website, you must add a Twitter account instead.
  • After entering the link for your site, you will have to write a description for it, along with writing the ID of your store.
  • In the end, you must agree to all terms and conditions, and thus you will have subscribed to Amazon Affiliate.

Advantages of working for Amazon Affiliate

After we got acquainted with the registration in Amazon Affiliate, we believe that it is necessary for us to show you the advantages that Amazon provides to the people registered in it, through the following points:

  • The Amazon global site includes many, many people who live in the world, so we see that their number exceeded 2.5 billion people, and they are more than ready to buy.
  • You can simply target the category that matches your products, because Amazon makes this easy.
  • The commission for the purchase can reach 10% of the price of a single product, so we see that the huge amount of sales that take place through it compensates for the low commission rate.
  • Its earnings are among the most 100% guaranteed, unlike other affiliate sites.
  • The person working on the commission on the Amazon site can take a commission on all the products that he displays, as there are some sites that operate with the same system, and do not place commissions on all the products offered.
  • In the event that only one customer purchases 10 products, the seller will take the commission for the entire 10 products, and will not take it from the same customer, and so on.
  • You will not need to convince customers of your products in any way, because this site is very popular in the whole world.

Amazon affiliate conditions for accepting a trading account

In continuation of our conversation about registering with Amazon Affiliate, we explain to you that despite the many previous features, we see that there are some conditions that a person must follow, in order for Amazon to accept his account, and start working through it, and this is what we will discuss as follows:

  • You should not get in the way of closing your Amazon account in any way, because doing so exposes you to a penalty to Amazon.
  • Do not use any images uploaded to Amazon for any product on your websites or social media pages. In the event that you urgently need images posted on it, you can take them through the API service that Amazon provides.
  • In order to be able to monitor the traffic on your products, you have to transfer it to your website, because Amazon does not allow tracking traffic through its official website.
  • In the event that you want to increase the number of viewers for your products, that is, you want to increase the percentage of sale, then you can display the products on some websites as ads, or on social media platforms as well, but you must put their links on Amazon as well, it is not considered that these sites are stolen its content, which exposes you to legal accountability.
  • You must have a lot of visitors or followers, whether on your website or social media platforms, for Amazon Affiliate to accept it in the first place.
  • Amazon does not allow direct sponsored advertising on any social media platform, it must be directed to Amazon traffic.
  • You can put the price of the products in the same ad, or not, as this is not a prerequisite for accepting ads.
  • Your content must be given a lot of attention, in order for it to be compatible with search engines.

Marketing methods through Amazon Affiliate

In the context of our conversation about registering with Amazon Affiliate, we see that it is possible to market your products in many ways that are sponsored by Amazon, once you register in it, so we will show you some of these methods as follows:

  • through your website.
  • YouTube channel.
  • Share the link of your Amazon affiliate products on any social media platforms or different websites.

Amazon company

Through our conversation about registering with Amazon Affiliate, we find that it is our duty to show you some information about this major company, as it is the largest e-commerce and cloud computing site, since the time it was established, which is July 5 of the year 1994 AD.

Its headquarters was located in Seattle, Washington, and since that time it was able to dominate the field of commission marketing, until it reached the point that it began to employ people working in this field with it, in order to increase production capacity and profitability more than it is.

Therefore, we see that it operates in all necessities, such as selling DVDs, Blu-ray discs, CDs, software, downloading MP3 files, downloading audio books, video games, clothing of all kinds, home furnishings, jewelry and electronics, and it works on producing consumer electronics on for example.

This has resulted in separate retail locations in the United States, Italy, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Brazil, Australia, Japan, India, China, Mexico, Spain and other countries all over the world.

Amazon is one of the largest sites working in commission marketing, as it provides a lot of jobs, so we can say that it plays a big role in many things.

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