What are free classifieds ads ?

Classifieds ADS

Classified ads are advertisements whose details are described in a short and comprehensive manner, and are defined under any tab that may be such as: real estate, jobs, car offers, and many services, and among the benefits of classified ads is facilitating the process of displaying and selling products, increasing sales, and facilitating access services quickly. A classified ad is usually fast-running content for seconds, which in turn guarantees a number of views and interaction without getting bored for users or visitors, and most of these ads are free; It is noteworthy that the first appearance of these advertisements was in the paper newspaper, where factories and companies resorted to newspapers when they needed employees, while setting the required job conditions and documents. In 2006, classified ads appeared on internet sites for buying and selling and job applications; These advertisements also appeared on television, radio, and many modern media.

Types of classified ads

Private media: It is the one that relies on the Internet for its growth, such as local national sites, or global sites such as eBay; They are usually very precise and have a clear objective, such as real estate, men’s and women’s fashion, investment offers, and rental offers.

Public media: These are advertisements that appear in printed newspapers, television screens, and radio, and are not available on the Internet.

Benefits of classified ads

  • The costs of these ads are often low, and may be free.
  • Ease of editing these ads.
  • Ease of identifying the target group and offers without any effort and less time.
  • Attracting and attracting the attention of viewers on a broader level on websites; This is due to the high percentage of followers of these sites.
  • The ability of these various advertisements to easily meet all the needs of users of all segments and classes.
  • The ability of these ads to increase the percentage of sales better, and to ensure that the viewer gets clearer details of products and services.
  • Attract visitors to the site and get a higher percentage of visits.
  • Save effort on users, vendors as well as customers.
  • Creating a new form of e-marketing.

Tips for posting classified ads

  • Posting these ads on local websites, targeting a specific area.
  • Choose the appropriate category for the service or product to be displayed.
  • Designing a profile that includes all the information and details of the required services when it is displayed on the site.
  • Identify the company or product logo and provide the necessary images clearly.
  • Use a catchy description and title that attracts visitors and viewers, and that the advertisement include the most targeted keywords.
  • Placing links to the page or website to facilitate access to the service.
  • Renew ads every period of time, before they expire.
  • Presenting services to potential customers.
  • Support and enhance the site’s ranking in search engines.
  • Improving the quality of site visitors and reducing the bounce rate.
  • Promoting products and services through websites to obtain a large number of customers and potential customers from the targeted areas.
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